Skrevet af Mark Weisinger
Onsdag, 15. april 2020 19:53 |
Nordic Agreement on RO points
Due to the COVID-19 situation many matches are being cancelled and concerns have been brought up regarding how NROI Range Officers in the Nordics should go about in order to maintain their RO status. The current Nordic agreement is a minimum of six match points, with a minimum of one Level 2 match per annum.
On this day the Regional Directors of the Nordic Regions have agreed that the RO status held on the 31st of December 2019 will be kept unchanged until the 31st of December 2020.
2020 will be a zero points needed year.
Points acquired during 2020 will be added to RO record.
Mark Weisinger, Roland Dahlman, Mikael Ekeberg, Bjørn Lindblad
Senest opdateret: Lørdag, 18. april 2020 10:15 |